Lesson 10 - Een beetje Nederlands
This lesson teaches you a few expressions that you may need as soon as you try to talk Dutch to Dutch people. There's also some attention for comperatives and superlatives, and for opposites. Furthermore, you'll learn when to put a verb at the end of a phrase.
If you want to speak Dutch wit a Dutch person, you often have to insist on this, because most Dutch people love to show how good their English is. Nevertheless, once they speak Dutch, you might suddenly find it quite hard to comminicate, because they seem to forget that they're talking to a foreigner who's still in the process of learning Dutch. You might like to try one of these, then:
- Langzaam!
('Slowly!')- Kunt u alstublieft wat langzamer praten?
('Can you please speak a bit slower?')- Wat zegt u?
('What are you saying?')- Kunt u dat nog een keer zeggen?
('Can you say that one more time?')Nevertheless, Dutch people can be very helpful, once they know you're trying to learn their language and realize that speaking slow and clearly is important ot you.
Here's a list of phrases you can use when practising your conversation skills:
There are two English verbs that often cause misunderstandings when translated: 'to understand' and 'to mean'. That's why in the phrases above these verbs have been used subsequently:
- begrijpen is 'to understand' in the sense of 'to comprehend': Ik begrijp het niet could be translated as 'I don't get it'.
- verstaan is 'to understand' in the sense of to hear clear and loud enough: Ik versta je niet is said by someone who wants you to speak louder or clearer.
- betekenen is 'to mean' in the sense of 'to signify' or 'to be translated as': if you don't know the meaning of a word, you ask: Wat betekent dat woord?
- bedoelen is 'to mean' in the sense of 'to imply' or 'to intend': Hij bedoelt het goed means that 'He means well'.
- menen is to mean in the sense of 'to be serious': Meen je dat? is asked by someone who wants to know if you're being serious.
In the phrases above you can find what is called a comparative: langzamer. The original form langzaam is extended wit -er and because of the Dutch spelling rules (lesson 1) there's one -a- less.Except for the one -a- thing, this is the same as what happens in English: 'thin-thinner' is in Dutch dun-dunner and even irregular forms are a lot alike: 'good-better' is in Dutch goed-beter.
And there's more good news, for the superlative is almost the same: in English you add '-est' ('thinnest'), in Dutch just -st (dunst). Usually the article het is used for the superlative (Dit boek is het dunst).
The only tricky thing, is that you have an extra -d if the word ends on a -r
More good news: the list of irregular ones is very short:
Here's a list of examples, which is at the same time a list of opposites:
- goed-beter-best
- graag-liever-liefst
- veel-meer-meest
- weinig-minder-minst
Text 10.2 - Comperative & superlative
adverb comperative superlative goedkoop goedkoper goedkoopst duur duurder duurst hoog hoger hoogst laag lager laagst groot groter grootst klein kleiner kleinst schoon schoner schoonst vies viezer viest mooi mooier mooist lelijk lelijker lelijkst oud ouder oudst jong jonger jongst kort korter kortst lang langer langst moeilijk moeilijker moeilijkst (ge)makkelijk (ge)makkelijker (ge)makkelijkst licht lichter lichtst donker donkerder donkerst zwaar zwaarder zwaarst heet heter heetst warm warmer warmst koud kouder koudst slim slimmer slimst dom dommer domst smal smaller smalst breed breder breedst
One of the most difficult things to learn for English speakers, is putting the verb at the end of a phrase at the appropriate moment. Not that the rules are so hard, it's just that it feels weird as long as you're not used to it.
Let's take a look at these sentences:
- 'I ask if he speaks Dutch with his friends'
Ik vraag of hij Nederlands met zijn vrienden spreekt.- 'He can't ride a bike because he has had an accident.'
Hij kan niet fietsen omdat hij een ongeluk heeft gehad.Both sentences here are conjunctions: combinations of indipendant sentences. In the first sentence Ik vraag ... is one original sentence and Hij spreekt Nederlands met zijn buren is the other one. They're combined through the conjunctive word of and this word (when meaning 'if'), causes the verb(s) to be at the end.
In the second sentence the original sentences Hij kan niet fietsen and Hij heeft een ongeluk gehad are combined through the conjunctive word omdat ('because'), which also causes the verb(s) to be at the end.
In conjunctions like this, there are just a few conjunctive words that do not cause the verb(s) to be at the end:
- en ('and')
Ik kom thuis en het eten is klaar.- maar ('but')
Ik kom thuis, maar het eten is nog niet klaar.- want ('because')
Hij kan niet fietsen want hij heeft een ongeluk gehad- of (when it means 'or')
Hij is thuis of hij is bij zijn moeder.- dus (conclusive 'so')
Hij is niet huis, dus hij is bij zijn moeder or
Hij is niet huis, dus is hij bij zijn moederAfter these conjunctive words, you have a normal phrase or inversion, but not all verbs at the end.
Here's a little text with a lot of conjunctions. The conjunctive words are bold:
Text 10.3 - Conjunctions
Vocabulary als if, when bedoelen to mean, to intend begrijpen to understand, to comprehend best best betekenen to mean beter better breed broad, large de buitenlander the foreigner de dijk the dike donker dark dun thin duur expensive het eten the meal, the food, dinner goedkoop cheap hard hard, loud heet hot hoewel although hoog high jong young de kaart the map, the card keer the time klaar ready kort short koud cold laag low lang long langzaam slow, slowly lelijk ugly licht light liefst most preferable liever rather liggen to lie makkelijk easy meest most menen to mean, to be serious minder less minst least de moeder the mother moeilijk difficult mooi beautiful Nederlands Dutch omdat because het ongeluk the accident onder under, below oud old de polder the reclaimed land praten to talk prettig pleasant rond round, around schoon clean slim clever, bright smal narrow, tight snel quick veel much verstaan understand vies dirty de vriend the friend vroeger formerly het water the water weinig little, few de zeespiegel sea level zelfs even
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- Before you move on to the next chapter you should study
- Grammar pages: Constructing sentences (+ exercises)
- Grammar pages: Comparative & superlative
- You could exercise inviting someone by finding another student and inviting him/her to the theater, movies, etcetera. You could agree that the invited person turns down the invitation with a reasonable excuse.
- Try to exercise past and perfect tenses by changing present tense sentences you hear into past and perfect.
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