Lesson 7 - Ga je mee?


This lesson teaches you how to invite someone to go out and how to respond to an invitation. Furthermore, you'll be introduced to the past and perfect tense (both regular and irregular) and to seperable verbs.

If you feel like going out and you like to invite someone to come along, there are a few phrases you could use:

Text 7.1 - Zullen we ...
  • Zullen we naar de bioscoop gaan?
  • Ga je mee naar het theater?
  • Ga je mee iets drinken?
  • Heb je zin om naar een concert te gaan?
  • Laten we vanavond uitgaan.
  • You can translate Zullen we bij 'Shall we...' and Laten we... by 'Let's...', but the other phrases are a bit more difficult.

    Ga je mee translated word by word would be 'Go you along'. If it's combined with an activity in the form of a verb, the verb is simply the infinitive and you do not need a preposition. This results in a type of phrase you hear a lot in Dutch, for the Dutch make verbs out of a lot of activities. This often surprises English speakers. For example, inviting someone to go and play tennis, have lunch or enjoy a picknick would be:

    If someone invites you like this and you can't accept, you could simply say ik kan niet ('I can't') or Nee, sorry, ik moet... ('No, sorry, I have to ...') and pick whatever you need:

    Of course, you can also accept an invitation, for example with an enthousiastic 'Ja, leuk!', 'Graag' or 'Doen we!'.

    Here's a complete conversation on this theme:

    Text 7.2 - Naar de film
  • Heb je zin om naar de film te gaan?
  • Welke film?
  • Die nieuwe film van Paul Verhoeven.
  • Ja, leuk! Wanneer?
  • Morgenavond?
  • Nee, sorry, morgenavond kan ik niet.
  • Zaterdagavond dan misschien?
  • Even kijken ... ja, dan kan ik wel.
  • Goed! Hoe laat spreken we af?
  • Om 8 uur?
  • Prima. Waar? Bij café Helmers?
  • Goed. Afgesproken.
  • Zal ik kaartjes reserveren?
  • Ja, doe jij dat maar.

  • The word Afgesproken ('agreed') is the past participle of an irregular and seperable verb. This looks like a lot of grammar, but it still fits in one chapter: below here, all this is going to be explained.

    On 'talking about the past': you can do this in Dutch like you can do it in English: by using the past tense and by using the perfect tense. And the verbs you use for this can be regular or irregular.

    First the regular ones. For finding the right form for these, you use the first person singular in present (mostly the infinitive form without -en). So for fietsen, you take fiets and for rennen you take ren (see the previous chapter for remarks on double vocals or consonants and on what happens to -v- and -z-).

    And this is what happens to these verbs in the past (yellow) and perfect (blue) tense:

    Text 7.3 - Past and perfect
    - regular verbs
    infinitive fietsen rennen
    ik fietste rende
    jij fietste rende
    u fietste rende
    hij/zij/het fietste rende
    wij fietsten renden
    jullie fietsten renden
    zij fietsten renden
    ik heb / ben gefietst
    ik heb / ben gerend

    So, the verb fietsen gets -de(n) for the past and ge- plus -d for the perfect tense, while rennen gets -te(n) for the past and ge- plus -t for the perfect tense. The thing that happens to fietsen happens to all the regular verbs that end on -t, -k, -f, -s, -ch and -p when the -en is taken of the infinitive (to remember these, the Dutch use the word 't kofschip and what happens to rennen, happens to the rest of the verbs.

    The form of the verb used in the perfect tense is called the past participle. This form - used together with hebben, zijn or worden ('to be', 'to become') - usually starts wit ge-, but not always: if a verb (already) starts with non-seperable prefixes like ge-, her-, be-, ver-, ont- or mis-, it does not get (an additional) ge-.

    Unfortunately the verbs that are used most, are irregular (same as in English...), and you have to learn those one by one from the list at the grammar pages.

    On the other hand, because they're used that much, most students develop a kind of intuition on irregular verbs even before they learned the whole list. This probably has to do with the fact that there are still some regularities:

    A lot of regular and irregular verbs get prefixes in Dutch and mostly those prefixes are to be seperated (and put at the end of the phrase) in simple present and past. These prefixes often change the meaning of a verb quite drastic, but they don't change the conjugation.

    A few examples: nakijken ('to check'), doorgaan ('to continue') and opstaan ('to stand up, to get up, to rise').

    Text 7.4 - Seperable verbs
    infinitive nakijken
    present ik kijk de tekst na
    past ik keek de tekst na
    perfect ik heb de tekst nagekeken
    infinitive doorgaan
    present wij gaan niet door
    past wij gingen niet door
    perfect wij zijn niet doorgegaan
    infinitive opstaan
    present hij staat om 7 uur op
    past hij stond om 7 uur op
    perfect hij is om 7 uur opgestaan

    So: if seperated from the verb, the prefix usually comes at the end of the sentence and when reunited with the verb in the past participle (usually the form starting with ge-), the two are written as one again.

    By the way, the prefix always get an emphasis in the verb (doorgaan) or in the sentence (Hij gaat niet door). Only non-seperable prefixes do not get any emphasis.

    afspreken to agree
    babysitten to babysit
    het bed the bed
    de bioscoop the cinema
    het café the pub
    het concert the concert
    dan than, then
    de film the movie
    gaan to go
    het haar the hair
    het huiswerk the homework
    het kaartje the ticket, the card
    de les the lesson
    leuk nice, cute
    lopen to walk
    lunchen to have lunch
    maken to make
    mee/met with, along
    misschien maybe, perhaps
    naar to, at
    nieuw new
    picknicken to have a picknick
    rennen to run
    reserveren to book
    spelen to play
    tennissen to play tennis
    het theater the theater
    uitgaan to go out
    vroeg early
    wassen to wash
    de zin the desire, the sentence

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